blue ridge veterinary imaging

Blue Ridge Imaging Technologies

Pets can’t communicate with us about the reason why they’re not at their best. In Blue Ridge Veterinary Associates, we utilize a variety of diagnostic imaging tools to take an inside view of your pet’s health. We use ultrasound, X-rays, and MRI technology in our clinic to aid us in diagnosing your pets. These tools can help us to understand what’s happening beyond the fur of your pet and help us make a quicker diagnosis.

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Ultrasounds are a type of radiological imaging which utilizes high-frequency soundwaves to create an image in real-time on a computer monitor. Contrary to other forms in radiological imaging ultrasounds don’t utilize radiation to create images. This means that this kind image is suitable to applications on fetuses, as well as other fragile soft tissue.

The sound waves generated by ultrasounds can’t penetrate the solid or dense tissues inside your pet. If we believe that your pet requires exam of bones, or any other tissues that are dense We’ll suggest that your pet get an alternative x-ray.

blue ridge veterinary imaging
blue ridge veterinary imaging

Ultrasounds can be used to

  • Diagnosing possible organ damage
  • The heart is examined as well as other components that comprise the cardiovascular system
  • Examining lumps and masses
  • Monitoring pregnancy

Ultrasounds aren’t invasive and don’t cause any pain! We’ll make sure that your pet feels comfortable during the ultrasound procedure.


The X-rays are a type of radiological imaging that utilizes electromagnetic radiation to create still pictures of the pet’s as well as dense tissues. Similar to ultrasounds, x-rays aren’t invasive and aren’t painful. Since x-rays generate still images, it’s crucial that your pet remains still throughout the entire process. There may be a need to tranquilize your pet to capture the clearest images that are possible.

X-rays are ideal to:

  • Finding out if your pet has suffered traumatic injuries. pet‘s bones
  • Monitoring broken bones
  • Locating foreign objects
  • Recognizing the presence of tumors

While modern x-rays are safe, they can allow your dog to be exposed to minor amount of radiation. If we require an in-depth look at the soft tissues of your pet, we’ll prefer an ultrasound rather than an x-ray.

Magnetic Resonance Images (MRIs)

MRIs utilize a powerful magnetic field to create precise images of the internal structure of your pet. The images are more clear than conventional radiographs. Furthermore, the MRI doesn’t use radiation to create these images.

Similar to x-rays and MRIs, pets should remain still to create clear and precise images of their inner systems. The staff from Blue Ridge Veterinary Associates will make sure that your pet is under anesthesia throughout the scan.

MRIs are ideal to gather additional information about your pet if it is diagnosed with any of the following ailments:

  • Trauma to the spinal cord or brain
  • Lameness
  • Ingestion of a foreign organ
  • An abnormal discharge, swelling or bleeding, especially in the nose.

MRIs are an effective instrument that assists us in determining more precisely the condition of your pet.