how to crate train a weimaraner puppy

How To Crate Train a Weimaraner Puppy


If you’ve researched crate training your Weimaraner puppy, you’ve probably seen they have a reputation for separation anxiety.

When you consider that Weimaraners were intended to be the companion and hunting dogs, working closely with their human companions throughout the hunt.

It is critical to recognize that dogs are naturally packing creatures.

It is rare for a dog in the outdoors to encounter significant solitude.

In reality, being alone in the wilderness exposes a dog to assault, injury, and death.

While this may not occur in your house (at least we hope not! ), educating your dog to spend time in his crate may be seen as simply a part of joining your group.

Task Definition

You took your two-week yearly trip and brought home your new Weimaraner puppy.

Then you spent the next two weeks getting to know and worrying over him around the clock.

But everything excellent must come to an end.

It’s time to go back to work.

Your dog is suddenly trapped in an empty emptiness for eight or more hours daily!

And you’re left wondering why he has separation anxiety and is wrecking your house one piece of furniture at a time.

Your responsibility is to teach your puppy to spend the time you are at work in a crate where he is safe and secure.

Your home will sigh a relief after your puppy learns to remain in his box.

The goal of teaching your dog to spend time in his crate is to teach him that it is his “den” or “secure spot” that he can call his own.

You’re just as likely to find him resting or hanging out there when he realizes this.

Starting Over

It all begins with selecting the appropriate size crate for your puppy.

Because Weimaraners grow to be quite big dogs, you should start with a smaller crate and gradually work your way up to the one your puppy will require when fully grown.

A container must have enough space to stand up, turn around, and stretch out.

A little space to wander about is also beneficial, but not so much that your puppy thinks it’s large enough for him to urinate in one area.

Make his box as comfortable as possible by carpeting the floor, adding a lovely large bed, a few new toys, and perhaps a blanket.

The more appealing you make it, the more probable your puppy will adjust to it in a shorter amount of time.

Always have lots of snacks available and plenty of patience and time.

Effectiveness of the Crate First Method

1st, the container comes before the dog

However, when it comes to a crate and your puppy, the crate should come first.

Set it up as indicated above, in a room important to your family.

A kitchen is a wonderful option since you can lock the rear door and his toilet.

2 Located in the bedroom

Consider keeping a second crate in your bedroom throughout the potty training period.

3 Bringing home your pet

Allow your puppy to explore his new kennel from the day you bring him home.

Put a new toy and a portion of tasty food in the kennel and let your puppy explore it on his own.

Be patient if you have to coax him in the first few times.

4 Repeat for a few days.

Repeat the preceding process numerous times each day for several days.

Give your dog plenty of praise every time he goes in on his own without fussing.

5 A new toy

Add a fresh toy inside the kennel and use it to entice your puppy inside.

Close the door as he enters.

If he fusses and whines for more than five minutes, tell him “no” or “quiet” and wait for him to settle down.

Open the door, praise him, and let him out once he has calmed down for at least 30 seconds.

Continue to increase the duration between going in and coming out until he is mature enough to spend the day in his crate as necessary.

Effectiveness of the Other Room Method

1 Your most effective tool

When coping with separation anxiety, your pup’s crate will be your finest training tool.

Begin by putting your puppy in his prepared crate, closing the door, and going into a different room for a few minutes.


Repeat this procedure, increasing the duration until you can leave your pup alone for 15 to 20 minutes at a period with no fuss.

Remember to ignore him until he stops whining, then let him out.

3 Step outdoors.

Take your puppy outdoors for a few minutes in his kennel this time.

Make sure he has a few toys to keep him entertained.

He should also have a water bottle hanging around his neck.

4 I need an extension.

Continue to increase the amount of time you spend outdoors.

Again, if he complains, let him go until he stops whimpering.

5 Continue to work on it

Continue to work with your puppy until he can remain in his crate for extended periods.

Keep in mind that puppies need more frequent toilet breaks at first.

You’ve just finished crate training your Weimaraner.

Effectiveness of the Zero Force Method

1 Set up your equipment

Begin by assembling your pup’s crate as detailed above and installing it in a room where your family spends a lot of time.

Close the door and toss some snacks and toys inside.

2 What exactly is this?

Bring your dog into the room where his crate is stored and let him explore the crate.

It won’t be long before he gets a smell of the goodie.

Keep the door open once he begins clawing and fussing to come in.

When your dog enters, praise him and let him enjoy the reward.

When he returns, praise him but do not reward him.

The goal is to help him understand that he only receives the reward for entering inside the crate.

3 Following that,

After a few days, throw the rewards to the crate’s rear.

Give him your command word as he walks in.

Use a basic word like “kennel” or “crate” and praise him.

4 And once we’re behind locked doors…

It’s time to start working with the door shut.

Ignore him till he stops fussing and whining.

5 The twisty and lengthy road

The rest is about collaborating with your dog to increase his time in his cage.

You’re done when he can spend the whole day in it while you’re at work.